
Virtual Decluttering Client BEFORE & AFTER PART 1

Deslie was a fellow member of the Glam-O-Mamas Discussion Group, a group thirty-four thousand plus members by celebrity mom Amanda Griffin Jacob. In the group she shared that she was desperate and overwhelmed by her clutter and feeling hopeless. I was very flattered when Amanda told her that she might want to get in touch with me for help. Deslie’s post really touched me, because I could so relate - the mental load for housework is still mostly on women in many countries - and I wanted the opportunity to virtually coach her to declutter, because Deslie was all the way in the USA, and I am currently based in the Philippines.


Whenever I move to a new home, the first thing I always set up is our entrance. After all it’s the first thing you see when you get home. Entrances are such useful spaces, so much so that sometimes they become a dumping ground for the things! In other words, entrances have a tendency to get really cluttered. I wanna show you a recent entrance transformation we did for a client.

Letting Go Of Heirloom Furniture

Tanya has been the caretaker to some furniture pieces, that had been with their family since they were children. But nobody was using or enjoying them. These beautiful vintage solid Narra were just sitting in the dark in an unused house. So instead after a family meeting to make sure that nobody in the current or future generation would want to have them, the family decided it was time to let go, to perhaps make space for new pieces.

How to Organize a Huge Photo Collection

A life well lived is also a life with tons of photographs. In today's digital age, we don't necessarily have to print individual photos (unless we want to frame them), because we can create beautiful photobooks that capture our most treasured memories. However a certain generation... ahem... still has a lot of photos from the past. So how do we organize all the different sizes including the film so that they can be preserved and enjoyed?